Facing workplace incivility in this political climate? You’re not alone.
For many Americans, going to work after the 2024 election and moving forward into a new administration can feel challenging. For many, feeling the political and social tension has been difficult, and may even feel impossible at times. If you’re feeling a sense of dread at work following the election and moving forward into a new administration, know that this is a normal reaction.
Stress vs. Burnout: How to tell the difference in the workplace
Feeling stressed out at work? Stress is a common issue in the workplace and in other areas of life—sometimes, it’s unavoidable. The question is, has your stress become so prolonged that it’s taken over your life? If that’s the case, you may actually be experiencing burnout. You may be wondering, what’s the difference between stress and burnout? This blog will explain the difference.
Quiet hiring: I was assigned more responsibilities without a promotion or pay raise
When you’re assigned a heavier workload without fair acknowledgments or pay, you may feel burned out, unmotivated, undervalued, and frustrated. You’re going above and beyond your job title, but you aren’t being acknowledged or rewarded for it.
Feeling disengaged at work? Maybe it’s loneliness
Do you find it difficult to feel enthusiastic about your job? Disengagement has many causes, from boreout with job tasks or burnout from overwork to feeling disconnected from the organization’s mission. But for most of us, even good work is not enough. We also need social connection.
Addressing burnout takes more than self-care
Curbing the burnout epidemic will take more than workers’ self-care techniques. People need more autonomy and support to prevent becoming depleted on the job.
How to care for yourself when work doesn’t care about you
Do you feel like you’re putting all of the time, effort, and patience into your job, but your job or your boss isn’t returning the favor? A non-reciprocal relationship with work can be draining, defeating, and can cause feelings of helplessness. So, how do you care for yourself when work doesn’t seem to care about you?
Prioritizing Asian American safety and mental health at work
If you’re fearing for your own safety—or the safety of your loved ones—amidst the rise in hate crimes against Asian Americans, you know that fear can have a big impact on your sense of well-being. And if your workplace isn’t supportive, you may feel especially isolated. Your mental health matters. Empower Work is here to help.
I'm a teacher. I’m burned out. What can I do?
Teachers have been juggling a lot for the past few years: navigating remote and in-person learning, responding to changing masking and testing requirements, managing stressed parents, and attempting to ensure their students are learning on top of all of it. At Empower Work, we regularly talk with teachers who find themselves feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. Many educators share that they love teaching, but they are struggling with poor management, insufficient pay, and constantly-changing COVID-related conditions. If this is your experience, know you’re not the only one—and we have tools to support you.
I’m burned out at work. What can I do?
If you’re feeling burned out at work, you’re not alone. A recent poll found that 95% of workers are thinking about finding a new job—and a third of respondents cited burnout as the reason why. Given the unprecedented ongoing stressors of the COVID-19 pandemic and the ensuing economic recession, against the recent backdrop of racial violence and political turmoil in this country, these high rates of burnout are no surprise. Here’s what you can do.
How the Pandemic Has Affected Workplace Mental Health
The American workplace was unprepared for the COVID-19 pandemic and the effect it would have on workers. Employees report being more stressed, more anxious about financial well-being, and more worried about their physical and mental health than ever. So how can our workplaces protect our mental health in 2021 and beyond?
My Employer Isn’t Following COVID-19 Safety Rules. What Should I Do?
COVID-19 has changed the workplace for employees across the United States. At many businesses, there are new safety guidelines for workers to follow that may cause confusion. In some cases, employers are not following COVID-19 safety guidelines, putting workers at risk. Here are some COVID-19 safety challenges that workers may encounter in the workplace and resources to help.
After a mistake with a customer, I feared I’d be fired. Empower Work helped.
I made a big mistake in how I handled a customer, and knew it was going to be a big deal.
Ethical issues in the workplace
Ever felt uneasy about a project at work? Something that didn’t sit well with you? You’re not alone. Competing pressures and incentives in the workplace can cause good people to do ethically questionable things. Worried you might be in that boat? We’re here to help with ethical issues in the workplace.
Is my work issue normal?
Every day, across every workplace in America, people face challenges that don’t necessarily fall into a legal category. Instead, they fall into a vast gray area where solutions are rarely black and white. Empower Work is a new resource that fills this gap by putting employees first. We provide free, anonymous, and immediate support for people facing non-legal work issues. Our approach is rooted in inquiry and empathy. We provide the space to talk about your experience and work toward an outcome that feels right to you. Our goal is for people to leave the conversation feeling empowered with the tools and support they need to move forward.