Getting Fired, Worried About Job Security, or Leaving Your Job?
Text a trained peer counselor at start a chat now. for free, confidential support or
Text a trained peer counselor at 510-674-1414 for free, confidential support or start a chat now.
Our support is confidential. Photos are stock photos to support anonymity.
Improved economic and emotional well-being for less-represented and less-resourced workers via immediate, confidential SMS support and resources.
Improved workplace well-being as volunteer peer counselors bring their 25+ hours of Empower Work training to their workplaces creating a positive ripple effect.
Systemic workplace change as our data and stories rooted in worker voice informs new approaches, training, practices, and policies.
We’re here to help. Share your work challenge and walk through possible options with a trained peer counselor.
Talking with Empower Work is free, immediate, and confidential.