Innovative New Workforce Partnerships Launch to Close the Opportunity Gap
A new, innovative workforce collaboration is launching to pilot, test, and learn from how text-based wraparound services can improve outcomes for workforce development communities and their alumni. The partnership of Empower Work, a national nonprofit that provides text-based wraparound coaching and resources, with leading local and national organizations including Memorial Assistance Ministries (MAM), NPower, Per Scholas, SkillUp Coalition, and Year Up United, soft-launched this fall and is rolling out over the next two years with the generous support of Truist Foundation and GitLab Foundation.
Love coaching? Grow your skills and help others by volunteering with Empower Work
If you’re a coach, you know how powerful it is to help people grow, solve problems, and take meaningful action. But did you know that you could use your coaching skills to support vulnerable workers—and sharpen your own knowledge in the process?
Empower Work provides support through a free, confidential text line for people experiencing work challenges, and the text line is staffed by volunteer peer counselors with skills like yours. And we could use your help!
Exploring a Career in Coaching or Counseling? Start by Volunteering with Empower Work
Have you thought about a career in coaching, social work, or counseling? Transitioning into a helping profession can be a meaningful and fulfilling path, but making the leap can also feel daunting.
Becoming a volunteer peer counselor with Empower Work is an excellent way to experience what this type of work feels like, and to better understand whether you’d like to pursue it full time.
Empower Work Welcomes Michelle Pullaro as Chief Growth Officer
Empower Work is thrilled to announce that Michelle Pullaro has joined the team as Chief Growth Officer. In this new role, Michelle will oversee core programmatic growth including our text line, training, and partnership work. We welcome Michelle’s strategic leadership at a unique inflection point as we continue scaling our impact to support 3 million workers—marking a bold step towards creating healthy, equitable workplaces where employees are valued, supported, and empowered in ways that support their economic and emotional well-being.
Facing workplace incivility in this political climate? You’re not alone.
For many Americans, going to work after the 2024 election and moving forward into a new administration can feel challenging. For many, feeling the political and social tension has been difficult, and may even feel impossible at times. If you’re feeling a sense of dread at work following the election and moving forward into a new administration, know that this is a normal reaction.
Empower Work Welcomes Tina Wie to the Board and Celebrates New Emeritus Members Jyot Bawa and Emily Kramer
Empower Work is thrilled to welcome Tina Wie to our Board of Directors during this pivotal moment in scaling our mission. As we celebrate Tina's addition, we also celebrate Jyot Bawa and Emily Kramer, who will transition to Board Emeritus roles. Their contributions have been invaluable in driving our growth and impact.
Stress vs. Burnout: How to tell the difference in the workplace
Feeling stressed out at work? Stress is a common issue in the workplace and in other areas of life—sometimes, it’s unavoidable. The question is, has your stress become so prolonged that it’s taken over your life? If that’s the case, you may actually be experiencing burnout. You may be wondering, what’s the difference between stress and burnout? This blog will explain the difference.
I Love My Job But I Hate My Paycheck
Do you love your day-to-day tasks at work, but the pay is too low? You’re not alone. Maybe you enjoy your job and your coworkers, but it just isn’t enough to keep you around for much longer. This can feel overwhelming and leave you feeling confused about what to do next. It’s important to consider all of your options and to put yourself first in this situation. This blog will show you five next steps you can take if you love your job but hate your paycheck.
What to consider when reevaluating your career path
Whether you have a job, are between jobs, or lost your job, it’s normal and very common to want to reevaluate your career path. The thought of redirecting the entire trajectory of your career can seem completely overwhelming, and there are many reasons as to why people even begin to reevaluate their careers. Before taking the plunge or making any decision, remember to take a deep breath, consider all your options, and ask yourself the hard questions.
How to put yourself first at work
Unfortunately, we’re seeing many unstable workplaces in the new year—holiday unemployment, job changes, layoffs, and downsizing are all common and current workplace challenges. If you’re in this boat, or you’re feeling anxious about these rocky times in the workforce, you aren’t alone. With several layoffs occurring—especially across tech, media, finance, and retail—in 2023 and the beginning of 2024, it’s normal to feel anxious.
Navigating the transition period between jobs
A transition period between jobs is a challenging moment to navigate. Whether you’ve quit your job, been fired, or are going through other job changes, unemployment can be difficult. There are many things you can do during this period to stay motivated and find your next best steps.
How to handle rejection and setbacks during a job search
Setbacks and rejection in the job search process are common issues for people looking for jobs. It can be challenging to keep the momentum of a job search going when dealing with rejections, long and daunting interview timelines, bad interviews, or unresponsive employers. So, how do you handle setbacks in the job search like a pro?
Empower Work Welcomes Philanthropic Leaders Suprita Makh and Nancy Heinen to the Board, Celebrates New Emeritus Member Julie Lein
Additions deepen strategic expertise in scaling Empower Work’s approach that improves economic mobility and emotional well-being for vulnerable workers. Empower Work is excited to add two new members to our Board of Directors, Suprita Makh and Nancy Heinen at a pivotal growth inflection point for Empower Work. Simultaneously, we celebrate the longstanding commitment of Julie Lein, who helped get us to this point, and who will be stepping into Board Emeritus.
5 questions to ask in an interview to find a job, boss, and company that will value YOU
Interviewing for a job is a two-way street. Flipping the script on the interviewer can be intimidating, but it’s essential to finding the right job for you. This blog provides 5 questions to ask an interviewer to find the job, boss, and company that values you.
What causes workplace stress and how to manage it
Unfortunately, stress is a common workplace experience and can be caused by many different variables. Feeling stressed out at work can lead to other challenging emotions—burnout, poor mental and physical well-being, disengagement, and resentment towards your work. Stress may not only negatively affect your work, but can also trickle down to your personal life.
Volunteering has helped me through a career transition: Q&A with Abby Swerin
In this Q&A, peer counselor Abby Swerin shares her experience volunteering with Empower Work and how it’s helped her through a transitional period in her life.
5 Types of Bullies in the Workplace
Workplace bullying is a common issue we see through our text line. Bullying at work is abuse, discrimination, and an act of violence—it affects people’s livelihoods and people can even lose their jobs. In every workplace bullying situation, there is always a target and a bully. In this blog, we list 5 types of workplace bullies.
Workplace Bullying Q&A with Laurie Scop: What is workplace bullying and how do we combat it?
Laurie Scop, a social worker and a member of the Board of Directors at the National Workplace Bullying Coalition (NWBC), shares a unique and informed perspective of bullying in the workplace and how to combat the crisis. Laurie oversees the Target Resources Committee at the NWBC.
I survived a round of layoffs. Now I’m feeling on-edge.
Employees experience a range of feelings before, during and after layoffs. From the first whispers of a possible layoff, employees can feel turned around and afraid. The not knowing and painstaking waiting can be unbearable. It’s important to understand and acknowledge your emotions and the effects of layoffs and how to address them.
Quiet hiring: I was assigned more responsibilities without a promotion or pay raise
When you’re assigned a heavier workload without fair acknowledgments or pay, you may feel burned out, unmotivated, undervalued, and frustrated. You’re going above and beyond your job title, but you aren’t being acknowledged or rewarded for it.