Work Issues Mackenzie Waldron, Empower Work Work Issues Mackenzie Waldron, Empower Work

5 reasons to quit your job

Through our text line, one of the most common questions is: Should I quit my job? If you’re feeling unsure on whether or not you should quit your job, you aren’t alone. Many people are overwhelmed with this common job decision, because it impacts so many aspects of a person’s livelihood. People leave their jobs for many reasons; we’ve listed five common reasons we see on our text line that people quit.

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Work Issues Mackenzie Waldron, Empower Work Work Issues Mackenzie Waldron, Empower Work

The benefits of actually quitting vs. quiet quitting

If you haven’t been following the work trends of the last couple of years, quiet quitting has become a popular term in the world of work. While the emotions and reasons for quiet quitting are completely valid, it may be more beneficial to both employees and employers for people to go through with the real thing—quitting.

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Work Issues Mackenzie Waldron, Empower Work Work Issues Mackenzie Waldron, Empower Work

I fear I’ll regret quitting my job. What should I do?

Did you quit your job or are you thinking about leaving and you’re feeling a sense of regret? There’s a chance you’re feeling resigner’s remorse. This is a common feeling. Even if you feel like leaving a job is the right decision, quitting may bring up overwhelming feelings of anxiety, stress, and regret. 

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Work Issues Mackenzie Waldron, Empower Work Work Issues Mackenzie Waldron, Empower Work

I have anxiety about entering an on-site work environment after working remotely

Experiencing anxiety because you have to go into the office after working in a remote environment? Maybe your work was temporarily remote because of the COVID pandemic or maybe you had a career change from a hybrid or remote organization to an on-site organization. Whatever the reason for reentering an onsite work environment is, it’s an understandable adjustment that can cause stress. Although there are pros and cons to both work environments, it’s common to have anxiety around going back to an onsite work environment.

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Work Issues Mackenzie Waldron, Empower Work Work Issues Mackenzie Waldron, Empower Work

Navigating an anxiety disorder in the workplace

Occasional feelings of anxiety are common and everyone has them from time to time. But what if you’ve been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder? Navigating an anxiety disorder in the workplace can be extremely challenging, especially when your coworkers may not know the difference between common anxiety and your specific disorder.

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Work Issues Barbara Saunders Work Issues Barbara Saunders

I’m neurodivergent and struggling at work

Millions of workers are affected by some type of neurodiversity, such as ADHD, autism, or dyslexia. If you’re neurodivergent, you deserve the support you need to do the job you’re qualified to do. And it’s being increasingly recognized that everyone benefits from supporting neurodiversity.

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Work Issues Barbara Saunders, Empower Work Work Issues Barbara Saunders, Empower Work

Feeling disengaged at work? Maybe it’s loneliness

Do you find it difficult to feel enthusiastic about your job? Disengagement has many causes, from boreout with job tasks or burnout from overwork to feeling disconnected from the organization’s mission. But for most of us, even good work is not enough. We also need social connection.

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Work Issues Mackenzie Waldron, Empower Work Work Issues Mackenzie Waldron, Empower Work

What do I do if I feel physically unsafe at work?

Unsafe work environments can take a toll on a person’s physical health. Every year, approximately 125,000 workers are killed or disabled by hazardous work environments. If you feel that your physical health is in danger at work,  it’s important to know that you have rights and options.

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Work Issues Mackenzie Waldron, Empower Work Work Issues Mackenzie Waldron, Empower Work

How to advocate for equal pay at your workplace

Wage discrimination is a consistent inequality in the workplace. Equal Pay Day—which is recognized on March 14th this year—is more than just an arbitrary date on the calendar. It reflects how many days a woman must work in a given year to catch up to men’s earnings from the previous year. You may be wondering what you can do to advocate for equal pay as an individual experiencing or witnessing pay inequality at your workplace, or as a manager.

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Work Issues Barbara Saunders, Empower Work Work Issues Barbara Saunders, Empower Work

Four ways to support working mothers

March 12, 2023, marks National Working Mothers Day. We can support all working moms better by providing what pregnant and nursing people need at work, expanding parental leave and childcare, and accelerating the march toward pay equity for women.

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Work Issues Barbara Saunders, Empower Work Work Issues Barbara Saunders, Empower Work

How to lead when you’re not the boss

Some people attract followers by sheer charisma, and others command by force. True leaders do something more. Leadership is not just about holding a formal title or being in charge. A leader is a person other people choose to follow.

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Work Issues Mackenzie Waldron, Empower Work Work Issues Mackenzie Waldron, Empower Work

How to care for yourself when work doesn’t care about you

Do you feel like you’re putting all of the time, effort, and patience into your job, but your job or your boss isn’t returning the favor? A non-reciprocal relationship with work can be draining, defeating, and can cause feelings of helplessness. So, how do you care for yourself when work doesn’t seem to care about you?  

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Work Issues Mackenzie Waldron, Empower Work Work Issues Mackenzie Waldron, Empower Work

How do I prepare to leave a job I hate?

Feeling stuck at a job you hate? Maybe you want to quit, but can’t afford to. Or the thought of a long and challenging job hunting process is holding you back. Or maybe you’ve looked at other job possibilities out there, but you’re afraid that you don’t have the relevant experience or skills on your resume. Whatever the reason is for why you hate your job, you may be wondering how to survive at that job and stick it out until you find something better.

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Work Issues Barbara Saunders, Empower Work Work Issues Barbara Saunders, Empower Work

Don’t leave your unemployment benefits on the table

When you’re out of a job, unemployment checks can be a lifeline. Know the ins and outs of filing and collecting your benefits and don’t leave what you’re entitled to on the table.

Unemployment insurance payments can be a lifeline when you’ve lost your job and don’t have a steady income. But some workers don’t apply to get the benefits they’re entitled to, due to some common misconceptions and misunderstandings.

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Announcements, Learnings Empower Work Team Announcements, Learnings Empower Work Team

Behind the Research of the Surgeon General's Workplace Well-Being Framework: Q&A with Project Lead, Ashleigh Reeves

Over the past year, Empower Work collaborated  with the Office of the Surgeon General (OSG) as they explored a critical question: “How can workplaces be an engine for well-being?” Our team had the pleasure of working with Dr. Vivek Murthy’s research team, including Ashleigh Reeves, Project Lead, OSG Innovation and Design Team, as they explored new recommendations for workplaces rooted in worker voice. And our founder, Jaime-Alexis Fowler, was honored to be part of the launch for the new framework this fall.

In December 2022, Jaime-Alexis sat down with Ashleigh for a digital “fireside chat” with the Empower Work community to dig into the research behind the framework. This is a transcript of their Q&A as they took a look behind the scenes at how the pieces came together.

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