Work Issues Mackenzie Waldron, Empower Work Work Issues Mackenzie Waldron, Empower Work

How to advocate for equal pay at your workplace

Wage discrimination is a consistent inequality in the workplace. Equal Pay Day—which is recognized on March 14th this year—is more than just an arbitrary date on the calendar. It reflects how many days a woman must work in a given year to catch up to men’s earnings from the previous year. You may be wondering what you can do to advocate for equal pay as an individual experiencing or witnessing pay inequality at your workplace, or as a manager.

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Work Issues Barbara Saunders, Empower Work Work Issues Barbara Saunders, Empower Work

Four ways to support working mothers

March 12, 2023, marks National Working Mothers Day. We can support all working moms better by providing what pregnant and nursing people need at work, expanding parental leave and childcare, and accelerating the march toward pay equity for women.

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Work Issues, Partners, Learnings Jaime-Alexis Fowler, Empower Work Founder and Executive Director Work Issues, Partners, Learnings Jaime-Alexis Fowler, Empower Work Founder and Executive Director

A National Crisis for Women (with Hope): An Interview with June Sugiyama

COVID-19 has changed the workplace for employees across the United States. At many businesses, there are new safety guidelines for workers to follow that may cause confusion. In some cases, employers are not following COVID-19 safety guidelines, putting workers at risk. Here are some COVID-19 safety challenges that workers may encounter in the workplace and resources to help.

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