Volunteering has helped me through a career transition: Q&A with Abby Swerin
In this Q&A, peer counselor Abby Swerin shares her experience volunteering with Empower Work and how it’s helped her through a transitional period in her life.
I became a volunteer peer counselor after using the text line
This Q&A with an Empower Work peer counselor shares the unique perspective of one of our inspiring volunteers who started her Empower Work experience as a texter. Laura Combs works in direct service for a nonprofit and has a background in retail and food service.
How volunteering at Empower Work shifted Emilie’s view on the world of work
Emilie, a volunteer at Empower Work, shares her story about her experience as a peer counselor and why she decided to volunteer. Emilie works in the media industry as a journalist and editor. Having been in difficult situations at work herself, Emilie wanted to learn the ways in which you can support people in similar situations.
3 Ways Volunteering at Empower Work Supports Workers During COVID-19
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, our volunteers at Empower Work have been supporting workers who reach out with worries of health & safety, the stress of going back to in-office environments, and existing work challenges. We have listed the top 3 ways that our peer counselors have supported workers during COVID-19.
Volunteering as a way to both give back and develop yourself: Meet Peer Counselor Ebele
“There are many reasons to volunteer. Perhaps you want to give back to the community, had a positive experience with Empower Work, or are interested in this field of work. Maybe you are interested in the organization, want to find a good way to use your time, or want to develop yourself in a certain area. I think these are all valid reasons to volunteer. If you are interested, I would say go for it! It is worth it. I believe this is a noble way to impact someone’s life, as well as develop yourself in new ways.”
Volunteering helped me navigate my own career journey
What a Peer Counselor has to say about their experience with Empower Work: While in a role researching tools and apps to improve interpersonal relationships in the workplace, I discovered Empower Work and was immediately drawn to their peer counselor training program. My initial interest in volunteering was to help others through tough experiences at work via active listening and empathy.
Their top learnings that have benefitted me as both a volunteer, and a professional:
Avoid heaping on “advice”
Be empathetic and make it about them, not you!
Compose open-ended, thoughtful questions that empower the texter to build their solution
Use the resources provided, no matter how long you have been a peer counselor
Identify what is really bothering the texter and ensure you identify their ideal outcome
Get to know peer counselors and support staff, they are an inspiring group of people!
In addition to supporting texters, my experience with Empower Work helped me down a path of self-discovery, expanding my self worth beyond my job. This journey also helped me forgive, laugh, and move on from a toxic work relationship—freeing me from the unhealthy impact this can impose.
Who are Empower Work Peer Counselors?
Empower Work peer counselors are working professionals who support people through tough work situations and workplace issues. They work across a range of fields and industries and cover a spectrum of geographies.
A number of volunteers say they’ve experienced a difficult work situation at some point in their own career. Many have benefited from mentorship and support during those challenging moments. Others didn’t have someone to turn to, and want to change that reality for other people. Despite their experiences, the motivation is the same: to be there for people when they need support at work.
Volunteering changed how I interact with colleagues and friends
This post is part of our peer counselor Q&A series which shares the perspectives of our talented volunteers. Rachel is an Empower Work peer counselor and nonprofit professional in the Bay Area.
From Rachel: I saw an ad for Empower Work at a bus stop in San Francisco and went online to learn more. I was looking for a regular volunteer opportunity and was intrigued by the concept. After talking with Empower Work’s founder, I was truly excited by the opportunity to be a part of a mission-driven startup to see something grow from its early stages.
Volunteering lets me help others while developing interpersonal skills
This post is part of our peer counselor Q&A series which shares the perspectives of our talented volunteers. Deborah is an Empower Work volunteer and career counselor for college students. When she's not using her counseling skills to help others, she's usually spending time with her family or enjoying one of her creative hobbies.
Her comments include, “We've all had moments of frustration at work and needed someone to talk to. I was excited to find an organization striving to address this through the use of technology. The peer counselor role was a perfect fit—I get to help others with struggles they may face at work while further developing my interpersonal skills.”
From texter to volunteer: how Empower Work helped me at a tough moment
Laura, an Empower Work peer counselor, talks about how why she volunteers, and how she discovered Empower Work when she herself was in a difficult workplace situation.
From Laura: “The Empower Work peer counselor helped me realize that perhaps what I needed most was not necessarily leaving my job--but figuring out what I need to enjoy my job. The fact that the conversation was anonymous and via text allowed me to be more open. I was able to answer questions more honestly without fear of judgement or embarrassment. During such a difficult time, it was really helpful for me to use an anonymous platform to get it all out there to be fully supported in the best way possible for me.“
Volunteering helped expand my career coaching skills
This post is part of our peer counselor Q&A series which shares the perspectives of our talented volunteers. Sarah is a career counselor with nearly a decade of experience working in higher education. Her focus is on helping women build confidence in the workplace, leadership development, and salary negotiation.
From Sarah: “"We spend so much of our lives at work and unfortunately, it is all too common for people to feel stuck in a difficult situation with limited or nonexistent resources. Having a place to talk to a trained volunteer where you are free from judgment, potential retaliation, or other negative consequences is crucial for people to move forward in their jobs and careers. In my opinion, having accessible, confidential work support is integral in improving employee satisfaction, retaining great talent, and creating a healthier work environment for everyone.”
What's it Like to Text with an Empower Work Peer Counselor?
Facing tough issues at work can be emotionally draining, confusing, and stressful––like you’re stuck under the clouds. As the first confidential text line for work issues, Empower Work is on a mission to support people through their toughest, stormiest moments by helping them find a next step that feels right. If you have a non-legal issue that’s impacting your ability to thrive at work, the peer counselors with Empower Work can help.