How to give feedback to a boss in a small office? That’s why I texted Empower Work.
I’m a new-ish manager in a really small company. We don’t have HR and it can feel really hard when issues come up to figure out how to address them. My colleague and direct report came to me about a situation with our joint boss.
She was struggling with how to give feedback and she needed to vent about what had happened. Mostly though, she needed to figure out how to move forward.
I wanted to set her up for success, but it was a bit of a tricky situation. I felt like I needed some support myself in figuring the right approach so that she was ok - and had the best outcome.
I jumped online and chatted with one of Empower Work’s counselors via the chat online. It was super easy to use. I was able to chat with someone right away. And they took time with me - I chatted with them for most of an afternoon!
The questions they asked were really helpful. At one point I wondered, “when are they going to just tell me what to do?” 🤣
“The questions the peer counselor asked helped me organize my thoughts at a point of high emotion and figure out what the right approach was.”
But helping me find my own way was powerful. The questions the peer counselor asked helped me organize my thoughts at a point of high emotion and figure out what the right approach was - not just for the game plan with my direct report but also how to understand the larger outcome and consider backup plans as well. It gave me a lot to process and not just the immediate next action.
Afterwards, I felt really relieved. Like a weight had been lifted.
After the conversation, I got back in touch with my coworker and told her I’d been thinking about what she’d shared, and that I’d used Empower Work to help think things through. I felt like that was important to disclose and give her the support knowing you can’t always share everything with your manager. We talked through potential paths she could take and steps on providing feedback.
When she did sit down and have the conversation with our joint boss, they had a really productive conversation and our boss opened up to her. It helped change their relationship for the positive.
“I don’t know if I would have been able to best support her - or her to feel as confident in that conversation if I hadn’t connected with Empower Work.”
So many people don’t have access to proper HR or mechanisms within their employer that help them or a place to ask hard questions. Having someone that’s totally unbiased and informed is critical. Not just a friend who is biased towards you. Empower Work is so important because it’s so accessible.
The fact that you can connect via text or chat and that it’s anonymous and available at a moments notice is so helpful.
I have told so many people about my experience since then and how much it meant to me.
I’ve suggested that people use Empower Work themselves and share with coworkers that need it (hint: the number is 510-674-1414).
Nobody should feel alone at these kind of times. I would absolutely use it again.