Worried about work?
Get help with work issues from trained peer counselors. Confidential and free. .
Get help with work issues from trained peer counselors. Confidential and free. Text HELLO to 510-674-1414.
Connect with a trained peer counselor by texting 510-674-1414.
Get personalized support and explore options to help with work issues such as bullying, harassment, job loss, and more.
Walk away with an action plan.
Trained peer counselors are working professionals who volunteer their time to support you. They’re here to talk about anything that feels challenging, overwhelming, or tough at work.
If you're ready to talk, text 510-674-1414
of Americans have nowhere to turn when faced with a tough work issue
of people we’ve supported would recommend our service to a friend
of people felt Empower Work helped them navigate their work situation
Whether it’s conflict with a co-worker, handling a pay issue, or navigating a big job decision, our trained peer counselors are just a text message away.
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We’re free thanks to generous donors, volunteers, and partners.
Working professionals volunteer their time to support you.
Over 90% of people say they feel better after talking to peer counselor.
Empower Work is on a mission to change the way workers are supported.
For many Americans, going to work after the 2024 election and moving forward into a new administration can feel challenging. For many, feeling the political and social tension has been difficult, and may even feel impossible at times. If you’re feeling a sense of dread at work following the election and moving forward into a new administration, know that this is a normal reaction.
Empower Work is thrilled to welcome Tina Wie to our Board of Directors during this pivotal moment in scaling our mission. As we celebrate Tina's addition, we also celebrate Jyot Bawa and Emily Kramer, who will transition to Board Emeritus roles. Their contributions have been invaluable in driving our growth and impact.
Feeling stressed out at work? Stress is a common issue in the workplace and in other areas of life—sometimes, it’s unavoidable. The question is, has your stress become so prolonged that it’s taken over your life? If that’s the case, you may actually be experiencing burnout. You may be wondering, what’s the difference between stress and burnout? This blog will explain the difference.
“How often do you find yourself in a challenging work situation and think, ‘I just don’t know who I can talk to about this,’ or need real time professional advice when your best friend is unavailable? Empower Work might have a solution.”
“What draws people to Empower Work is the opportunity to engage with a living, breathing person, one who understands workplace experiences, like bullying, unbearable bosses, or the fear of failing.”